Informatica Operatori Telefonici

Traffico Tethering Router WiFi nascosto tramite proxy socks su Android

L’articolo è stato aggiornato. La nuova versione si trova a questo link:
Traffico Tethering Router WiFi nascosto tramite proxy socks su Android

Information and Communications Technology

Windows Vista and Windows 7 Common Cleanup Operations Checklist

In this post i will write a checklist of common operations i do after clean installation of Windows Vista or Windows 7 (the most are not recommeded by Bill):
1. disable UAC (User Account Control)
2. disable System Protection on all disks
3. delete all Tasks except Registry Backup Task

Delete all folders contained in:
C:\Windows\system32\Tasks [for 32 and 64 bit systems] (do not delete the folder Microsoft\Windows\Registry it’s the registry backup, it’s important to recover a corrupted registry)
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Tasks [for 64 bit only]

4. [OPTIONAL] disable Task Scheduler Service (doing this genarates an error when installing Office 2016)

It cannot be disabled with services.msc, but only via registry: locate HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Schedule and change the Start value from 2 to 4

5. disable Windows Search / Indexing

Control Panel >> Programs and Features >> Turn Windows features on and off and uncheck Windows Search

6. disable Automatic Defragmentation Service

Run services.msc and disable “Disk Defragmenter” service

7. cleanup msconfig
8. enable telnet client

Control Panel >> Programs and Features >> Turn Windows features on and off and check telnet client

Information and Communications Technology

Windows 7 freezes after being idle for a while [SOLVED]

Today i solved a two year problem with Windows 7 and my hp notebook. After leaving the computer idle for a while 10 or 20 minutes or more, the computer become unresponsive and the hard disk keeps working forever. To restore to normal operation i had to reset the pc.
To solve the problem i followed these steps:
1. Disable Windows Search from Control Panel >> Programs and Features >> Turn Windows features on and off and uncheck Windows Search
2. Remove all Windows Tasks, deleting all files and folders in these folders:
C:\Windows\system32\Tasks [for 32 and 64 bit systems]
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Tasks [for 64 bit only]
3. Disable Windows Task Scheduler from registry: locate HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Schedule and change the Start value from 2 to 4
4. Disable Disk Defragmenter service from services.msc, set as DISABLED
5. reboot