Information and Communications Technology

Xiaomi downloaded files disappear or randomly deleted when moved

I noted a strange issue on my Xiaomi Redmi 9 with Android 11 (i don’t know if the problem is also on Android 10). So, the problem is: when i download a file, if i move it from Download folder to another folder in the internal storage using a file manager different from the Xiaomi one, the file is missing some hours later.

To replicate the issue:

  1. Dowload a file from Google Drive
  2. Create the folder TEST on internal storage
  3. Open Fx File Explorer, open Download folder in the internal storage select and CUT the downloaded file, paste it in the folder TEST in the internal storage
  4. After a day, if you open the folder TEST, the file is missing

[NOTE: for testing the removal, if you don’t want to wait a day, follow these steps: open the Xiaomi Download app, go to downloaded tab, clic on the downloaded file (the file was not found because we moved it), clic on Delete, after that the file will be deleted from TEST folder not from the Download folder where is not]

The workarounds are:

  • Move downloaded files to a folder on the SD card instead of a folder in the internal storage;
  • Use Xiaomi File Manager to move the files from Download folder;
  • Instead of cutting downloaded files copy downloaded files in a folder on the internal storage and than delete it from Download folder.

Information and Communications Technology

VoLTE on Xiaomi Indonesian ROM

Sometimes on VoLTE operator, the VoLTE is not working.

I had this problem on Xiaomi Redmi 9 with indonesian ROM (installed for MIUI native call and message apps instead of google ones).

You can solve this problem adding another APN named IMS. This APN must be added only and not selected as active.

So if VoLTE is not working follow these steps:

  • Call: *#*#86583#*#* (enables VoLTE flag in configuration)
  • Add this APN without selecting it:
    • Nome: IMS
    • APN: ims
    • APN type: ims,ia
    • APN protocol: the same of the active APN
    • APN roaming protocol: the same of the active APN
    • change only these parameters, leave the other params unchanged.

NOTE: perhaps this problem is due to the fact that this APN in the EU ROM is already present, but is hidden.

Operatori Telefonici

Configurazione VoLTE Xiaomi su ROM indonesiana

Dopo aver effettuato il passaggio ad Ho mobile, visto che Postemobile non supporta il VoLTE, effettuando una chiamata con Ho mobile mi cadeva ugualmente la connessione.

Il problema l’ho riscontrato su uno Xiaomi Redmi 9 con ROM indonesiana (l’ho messa per avere le applicazione chiamate e messaggi native della MIUI invece di quelle di google).

Il problema si risolve aggiungendo un secondo APN di nome IMS a quello standard Ho mobile. Questo secondo APN va solo aggiunto, senza selezionarlo come attivo.

Quindi se non vi va il VoLTE, eseguite questa procedura:

  • Componete dal telefono questo codice: *#*#86583#*#*
  • Aggiungete questo APN senza selezionarlo come attivo:
    • Nome: IMS
    • APN: ims
    • Tipo APN: ims,ia
    • Protocollo APN: lo stesso impostato nell’APN attivo
    • Protocollo roaming APN: lo stesso impostato nell’APN attivo
    • cambiate solo questi parametri, le altre opzioni lasciatele come stanno.

NOTE: il problema sembra essere dovuto al fatto che nella ROM europea, questo APN già c’è, ma è nascosto.