In this post i will describe my installation of Vodafone Mobile Connect with Huawei k3765 on Ubuntu 10.04.
A version of Vodafone Mobile Connect software is available for linux on The project url is:
First of all download the latest version from svn. So install svn with apt-get:
sudo apt-get install subversion
and then
svn checkout
that will create the folder vodafone-mobile-connect in the current directory. Cd to this folder. You will see a file INSTALL. Install all the dependencies listed in this INSTALL file with apt-get and run the commands chmod and chown in the extra steps. Replaced :dialout with :dip.
Add your user to the group dip
sudo usermod -a -G dip nicola
Then install the package usb-modeswitch and other dependencies:
sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch hal python-tz python-twisted-conch wvdial
Restart the computer if hal was not installed.
Then install the VMC. In the vodafone-mobile-connect dir issue the command:
sudo python install
Next connect the Huawei k3765 and run the command:
hal-find-by-capability –capability modem –verbose
If the modem is not listed, it will not be detected automatically. If not listed there is a missing file. You have to copy the file resources/platform/ubuntu/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty in the vodafone-mobile-connect folder in /usr/share….:
sudo cp resources/platform/ubuntu/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty/05-vmc-devices.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty
Next you have to restart hal, so reboot your computer. After reboot rerun the command:
hal-find-by-capability –capability modem –verbose
you should see you Huawei listed.
Open the terminal and add executable flag to VMC:
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/vodafone-mobile-connect-card*
Change some permissions:
sudo chmod 0660 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
sudo chmod 0660 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
Now open a terminal and start VMC with the command:
use the command vodafone-mobile-connect-card-driver-for-linux-debug to see debug messages.
You can add a link to Applications/Internet menu copying this file:
sudo cp resources/platform/ubuntu/usr/share/applications/vmc.desktop /usr/share/applications
If you get an os not supported error check you installed all dependecies. I missed to install wvdial and i got os not supported.
If you have some permission errors on /etc/ppp/peers, and you cannot get out from them, run this command:
chmod 777 /etc/ppp/peers
4 risposte su “Huawei k3765 and Vodafone Mobile Connect on Linux Ubuntu 10.04”
Hi, great post and a perfect installation guideline. i followed all the steps and got the VMC running. The problem is that when I try to launch the Internet connection *button connect in the GUI@ I got the error message “twistd program closed unexpectedly”. DO you have any suggestion_
I’m sorry but i don’t know what that message could be. Now i have 10.10 and without the VMC installed, can’t help you. Bye.
Can’t we create a script that will do all these things for us ??
Didn’t work for me.