Information and Communications Technology

Nokia Symbian Free Open Source Flash Torch NFlashTorch 0.1 (uses camera flash)

I developed a free torch for Symbian S60 phones. It’s tested on Nokia C5-00 and Nokia C7-00.
This torch uses the camera flash led.
These are googlecode links:
NFlashTorch Project Home
NFlashTorch-0.2.sisx (self-signed)
Browse Source Code
NFlashTorch-0.1.sisx (self-signed)
NFlashTorch 0.1 source code

NFlashTorch-0.2.sisx (self-signed)


Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Concorso Pubblico 26 posti

Di seguito le tracce delle prove scritte svolte il 17 e 18 Maggio 2011 per il profilo 8 posti – specialista di settore scientifico tecnologico
Prima Prova Scritta (17/05/2011)
Quesito 1:
Il candidato scriva cosa si intende per modello di simulazione, mettendo in evidenza  caratteristiche e differenze tra modelli discreti e continui. Il candidato illustri, inoltre, quale approccio simulativo utilizzerebbe per valutare le prestazioni di un portale web in fase progettuale, fornendone la motivazione.
Quesito 2:
Nell’ambito del modello di riferimento TCP/IP, il candidato descriva le principali  differenze esistenti tra i protocolli del livello trasporto TCP e UDP. In particolare si  evidenzino le caratteristiche di affidabilita’ e prestazioni dei due protocolli e si motivi l’adozione dell’uno o dell’altro nel caso di una applicazione di real-time video streming.
Quesito 3:
Il candidato descriva cosa sono i requisiti di un applicativo software, mettendo in evidenza  caratteristiche e differenze tra requisiti funzionali e non funzionali. Fornisca inoltre specifici esempi di requisiti funzionali e non funzionali legati al prodotto, al contesto organizzativo e a previsioni normative e ne descriva in modo sintetico almeno due.
Seconda Prova Scritta (18/05/2011) [testo indicativo]
Una azienda sanitaria locale vuole realizzare un portale web multicanale per fornire servizi online al cittadino. Il portale dovra’ permettere la prenotazione delle visite, effettuare pagamenti, visualizzare lo stato delle pratiche. Il cittadino sara’ notificato sui vari passaggi di stati. Si dia una descrizone sintetica dell’applicazione da realizzare. Descrivere i requisiti tramite l’utilizzo del linguaggio UML: in particolare usando i seguenti diagrammi e fornendo di ognuno una descrizione sintetica: a) Diagramma dei casi d’uso, b) Component Diagram, c) Deployment Diagram d) almeno un sequence diagram relativo ad uno dei casi d’uso.

Information and Communications Technology

Finally Ati PowerPlay on linux and PowerPlay Switcher

From kernel 2.6.35, there is a support to the Ati PowerPlay Technology. Regulating the clocks of your ATI within linux (with the open source driver) is now possible. The interface is a sysfs interface, i.e. you must write some string in some files to change settings on the fly.
It’s described in the Archlinux wiki, at this page:
A graphical interface should be useful. I developed a small perl script using gtk-perl to change powerplay settings. I named it PowerPlaySwitcher. It’s a very simple utility. You can download it at these urls:

Information and Communications Technology

SvgHtmlImageMapEditor released version 0.4

Released version 0.4. SvgMap renamed to SvgHtmlImageMapEditor. Now version 0.4. Added support for moving objects with keyboard arrows. This is the link:

Information and Communications Technology

HTML Image Map Editor with SVG and Javascript Version 0.2

Released functional version of my HTML Image Map Editor created with javascript and SVG. Versions are available on The editor works online and offline. It’s only one html page. Tested on Firefox and Opera (native svg browsers). On Firefox better for managing vertex. On Opera the vertex numbers are not displayed on mouse over vertex.
Someone suggesting a name for this SVG HTML Map Editor? Now i named it SvgMap but is not obvious is related to html image map.

Information and Communications Technology

HTML Image Map Editor with SVG and Javascript

I’m developing an Html Image Map Editor in Svg. This is the url. It’s only one html page. With a test image.
All versions online and downloadable are here:
It works only in SVG enabled browsers like Firefox and Opera.

Information and Communications Technology

Installing VMware ESXi Server 3.5 on VMware Player 3.0

This post is for a mad virtual machine. A virtual machine with installed ESXi Server 3.5 as operating system.
My host system is Windows Vista 64bit Home Premium with AMD Athlon X2 model 215 with virtualization support AMD-V. The virtual machine engine is VMware Player 3.0.
So, let’s start. First of all we have to install VMware Player 3.0.
enable ide
altf2altf1 install altf2 altf1


La ventola non si ferma mai su Linux Ubuntu su schede video ATI

Ho installato sul mio portatile Ubuntu 10.04. Ho notato che usando Ubuntu, dopo un pò di tempo la ventola interna comincia a girare alla massima velocità e non si ferma mai. Lo stesso problema mi era capitato con Ubuntu 9.10 sul portatile del lavoro. Entrambi i portatili hanno una scheda video ATI.
Ho risolto il problema installando il driver proprietario della ATI da Sistema ->Amministrazione->Driver Hardware.
Il problema credo sia dovuto alla mancanza del supporto per la gestione della velocità del clock della cpu della scheda video, nel driver integrato nel kernel. Con questo driver infatti sembra che il clock della scheda video sia sempre al massimo anche in condizioni di riposo e ciò provoca un surriscaldamento inutile della scheda video che costringe all’accensione della ventola. Utilizzando il driver ATI, invece il clock della scheda video viene variato a seconda delle performance richieste e quindi nell’uso normale del desktop si porta ad una velocità inferiore a quella massima, che non provoca un surriscaldamento eccessivo del processore grafico e quindi la ventola non rimane sempre accesa.
Information and Communications Technology

Fan never stops in Ubuntu Linux With ATI Video Card

I have a notebook with installed Ubuntu 10.04. I noticed that running Ubuntu after some time, the internal notebook fan starts running at highest speed and never stops. I see this problem also on Ubuntu 9.10 with another laptop. Both notebooks have an ATI Video Card.
I solved the problem installing ATI Proprietary Linux Driver, from System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.

Information and Communications Technology

Huawei k3765 and Vodafone Mobile Connect on Linux Ubuntu 10.04

In this post i will describe my installation of Vodafone Mobile Connect with Huawei k3765 on Ubuntu 10.04.
A version of Vodafone Mobile Connect software is available for linux on The project url is:
First of all download the latest version from svn. So install svn with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install subversion

and then

svn checkout

that will create the folder vodafone-mobile-connect in the current directory. Cd to this folder. You will see a file INSTALL. Install all the dependencies listed in this INSTALL file with apt-get and run the commands chmod and chown in the extra steps. Replaced :dialout with :dip.
Add your user to the group dip

sudo usermod -a -G dip nicola

Then install the package usb-modeswitch and other dependencies:

sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch hal python-tz python-twisted-conch wvdial

Restart the computer if hal was not installed.
Then install the VMC. In the vodafone-mobile-connect dir issue the command:

sudo python install

Next connect the Huawei k3765 and run the command:

hal-find-by-capability –capability modem –verbose

If the modem is not listed, it will not be detected automatically. If not listed there is a missing file. You have to copy the file resources/platform/ubuntu/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty in the vodafone-mobile-connect folder in /usr/share….:

sudo cp resources/platform/ubuntu/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty/05-vmc-devices.fdi  /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty

Next you have to restart hal, so reboot your computer. After reboot rerun the command:

hal-find-by-capability –capability modem –verbose

you should see you Huawei listed.
Open the terminal and add executable flag to VMC:

sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/vodafone-mobile-connect-card*

Change some permissions:

sudo chmod 0660 /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
sudo chmod 0660 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets

Now open a terminal and start VMC with the command:


use the command vodafone-mobile-connect-card-driver-for-linux-debug to see debug messages.
You can add a link to Applications/Internet menu copying this file:

sudo cp resources/platform/ubuntu/usr/share/applications/vmc.desktop  /usr/share/applications

If you get an os not supported error check you installed all dependecies. I missed to install wvdial and i got os not supported.
If you have some permission errors on /etc/ppp/peers, and you cannot get out from them, run this command:

chmod 777 /etc/ppp/peers