In response to Fray Quinones for this discussion:
[I was unable to register as citrix user so I write here]
This is the problem:
I’m trying to deploy an application from our Citrix presentation server, but every time the application loads it gives the user a message that says: Run-time Error ’28’: Out of Stack Space.
It was working fine until last week.
The problem was generated by a window update, the KB2922229 update. Uninstalling this update the problem is solved.
Una risposta su “Run Time Error 28: Out of Stack Space [Citrix]”
From Microsoft Knowledge base. my issue resolved.
Known issues with this security update
After you install this security update, you may be unable to log on to Citrix Receiver.
To work around this problem, follow these steps:
Open the Citrix Access Management Console, right-click the farm name, and then click Modify farm properties.
Click Modify all properties.
Expand Farm-wide and then expand Presentation Server.
In the General section, clear the Use Client’s local time check box.
For more information about this issue, visit the following Citrix website: information and the solution in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on these issues as of the date of publication. This solution is available through Microsoft or through a third-party provider. Microsoft does not specifically recommend any third-party provider or third-party solution that this article might describe. There might also be other third-party providers or third-party solutions that this article does not describe. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, this information should not be interpreted to be a commitment by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot guarantee or endorse the accuracy of any information or of any solution that is presented by Microsoft or by any mentioned third-party provider.
Microsoft makes no warranties and excludes all representations, warranties, and conditions whether express, implied, or statutory. These include but are not limited to representations, warranties, or conditions of title, non-infringement, satisfactory condition, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose, with regard to any service, solution, product, or any other materials or information. In no event will Microsoft be liable for any third-party solution that this article mentions.
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